Weaving course June

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Weaving Course June

The course is fully booked - When dates for next course are scheduled we will let your know in our newsletter - subscribe here

Exclusive weaving course at Karin Carlander studio in Raadvad.
Thursday 20th June – Monday 24th June every day from 9:00-16:00
You will mount the loom, weave a few sample weavings and a small carpet plus make the finishing at your carpet. We work with thick flax yarn in the warp and thick and thin yarn in different materials in the weft. You will work at your own loom throughout the course. The course include materials and lunch. Limited participants at 4 persons. Price 4.500 DKK.

For more details please write: info@karincarlander.dk

Address: Raadvad 40, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Karin Carlander