About natural linen


“You don’t need marketing men to tell you it’s organic, it just is.”

This video from Masters of Linen® shows the production processes of European flax, the only vegetal fibre used in the textile industry that is native to Europe.

Karin Carlander carries the Masters of Linen® certification, which is awarded to carefully chosen farmers, spinners, weavers and knitters who have committed to working with 100 % European produced linen, traceable in every step from the sown seed to the final fabric. The textiles from Karin Carlander are woven of linen spun from flax naturally grown and retted on the ground fields stretching from Caen in France, through Belgium to Amsterdam. In this area all water requirements are met naturally by rainfall. Flax from the area are fibres of the highest quality and the farming creates no waste, as everything from the crop is being used. The work in the entire process from growing, spinning, dyeing and weaving is done by highly skilled, educated and local craftsmen.

Video for: Masters of Linen®

Director: Benoit Millot  lepotagerdesign.com

Karin Carlander